Social Media

Find New Target Markets, Build Audiences, Remarket & Boost Sales 

Enhance Image, Increase Brand Awareness, Expand Customer Base and Boost Sales

Enhance Your Business’s Social Media Visibility, Attract More Leads, Boost Sales and Expand Your Customer Base. We craft captivating content to foster engagement with existing and new audiences and grow your social media presence. Strengthen your brand image by delivering relevant and engaging content that boosts your social media followers and engagement. Let us handle your accounts while you focus on running your business.

Experience &
Passion Drives Our Us

At our core, our passion for marketing drives us to have a comprehensive understanding of social media marketing and how it fits into your overall marketing strategy. With millions of users on social media platforms, it’s crucial to target the right audience in a cost-effective manner. That’s where we come in. Our expertise allows us to identify and engage the audiences that matter most to your business, all while maximising your marketing budget. 

We believe in creating impactful campaigns that work in tangents with other ongoing digital marketing campaigns, such as Google Ads and SEO. This drives results in terms of returns on advertising spend and brand presence. 


At AV Consulting we thoroughly examine the objectives behind each client’s social media campaigns. We analyze the benefits of the advertised product or service, the target audience, and how other digital advertising efforts can complement your social media strategy. We collaborate closely with clients to create a customised plan for their budget and requirements.

Our Take On Social Media Campaigns

Over 80% of consumers say social media has a significant influence on buying decisions. Why? 

Brand awareness

Directing traffic to your website

Accurate remaketing campaigns

Custom & Look A Like Audiences

Leads, Sales & Revenue

Brand awareness

Directing traffic to your website

Accurate remaketing campaigns
Driving sales.

Why Advertise On
Facebook & Social Media
In New Zealand?

Successful marketing plays a crucial role in the growth of any business. With the typical social media user dedicating 145 minutes daily to these platforms, social media presents an indispensable opportunity for businesses to reach a massive audience. Despite the presence of various social media networks, Facebook and Instagram are where New Zealand users spend the majority of their time. These two platforms offer cost-effective advertising options crucial for most small to medium-sized businesses.
